May 2014 Accomplishments

It has been a very busy month for me so far, so I am just getting around to documenting my quilting accomplishments from May.  I had a fair amount of quilting time in May, and here's what I got done in my 15 1/2 hours of quilting: 

- Made back for, loaded, quilted, and bound the Batman quilt
- Finished disappearing pinwheel quilt top
- Finished my new purse
- Made a thread catcher for my neighbor 
- Loaded and quilted Lois' mini-Irish chain 

- Wallet for Jack
- New iPad cover
- Fabric framed a baby cross-stitch gift (I haven't mailed this yet and want the mom to see it first, so will post a picture once it has arrived). 

I got all four of my monthly goals completed and more! It is kind of exciting to have all those projects crossed off the list. 

My mom and I also went on a day trip to the NQA show in Columbus, OH.  The show was more expensive that it has been in the past, and had fewer vendors and maybe fewer quilts, but we still had a good time visiting quilt shops and having a couple good meals. 

Hope you got a lot of your to-do list checked off in May! 
