Four Things - February 2014

Even though this challenge has fallen off the radar a bit on Judy's blog, it works well for me and keeps me focused when I am floundering, so I am going to continue to set a small number of goals each month and then report on how I did. 

In February, my goals were: 
1. Finish Catventquiltalong top, make back, and prep batting for quilting (although actually quilting it isn't at the top of my list this month). - Done and shared here
2. Finish stained glass log cabin blocks and get them into a finished top. So very glad to have this one done too
3. Quilt three quilts - including 1 for my friend and 1 unfinished UFO from January, and one UFO in the month of Feb. - I got the one that was on the frame at the end of January finished and got a second one loaded and started, but it is still waiting to be finished. 
4. Cut projects for my retreat in early March - I am thinking I will call this done if I have two projects cut out and ready to go. - Big miss here...I had a busy week leading up to retreat and then we cancelled due to expected weather, so I totally gave up, and then the weather didn't show, so we were back on with only 5 hours to prep! I didn't get anything pre-cut, but did get lots of projects thrown into the bag so that I could work on them there. 

In March, my goals will be:
1. Finish the purse I started at retreat
2. Finish the quilt on the frame
3. Quilt a UFO or the Catvent quilt (which will become a UFO if I don't get it done soon!)
4. Quilt my friend Kathy's Crossroads top

So, lots of quilting on the list, so I am hoping for the month to be a little cold and/or rainy (but not colder than freezing!) so that I have more incentive to spend some time in the basement. 
