September Accomplishments

It is almost time to get my October list together, but to keep record straight for myself, I need to record my September accomplishments first! 

I started off really strong in September, using the 1st day of the month as a sewing day with my mom.  We both got a lot done and decided we need to do more of them. I stayed pretty steady over the month, with my primary goal being to get some quilting done.  I was looking down the face of the quilt show and knew I'd entered one quilt that was just a top.  I set an early goal of quilting 4 quilts during the month and here's how I did: 

- Finished stack and whack, one of Lois' UFOs
- Quilted graduation quilt for my mom
- Made back for, loaded, and quilted Disappearing Four Patch top
- Quilted red, white, and black quilt top for my mom
- Made back for red and white snowball quilt, loaded it, and stared at it for a full week! I didn't know how I was going to quilt it, so it just stayed there waiting for me. 
- Made block for a comfort quilt for one of my bee mates (sorry, can't find the picture for this one). 

I didn't get all four quilts done during the month, but I did make good progress on two of my UFOs, which is a great feeling! I'll be back soon to show you what got done this month. 
