From the first time I started going through your UFOs, Lois, I wondered if I would find a project that you had us all help with in the bee. You started it the year before I joined and then had us make additional blocks for it the next year. It was a beautiful set of blocks and I couldn't wait to see how they'd go into a quilt.
After bringing home the second load of fabric, I located them...all the blocks and borders neatly zippered into a bag tucked into the book with the pattern. I put them in the box with all the UFOs, but every time I walked by the table, they caught my eye. I just had to see how they'd go together. So, I worked on them a few weeks ago (sorry, just catching up on the blog now!), and boy do they look great!
But the best part of this project is that I found your notes on the back. Several blocks had names on the back of them of the person you assigned them to, and mine even had a few instructions from you!
CJ summed it up....she left you a note on the back of her block and I think we all agree...just wish you could be here to see this one get finished.