I haven't gotten a lot of anything done this week...little bits of progress on several UFOs, but only one very small one done. I am blaming my lack of initiative on my iron. It is one of the nice Rowentas and my husband gave it to me for my birthday last year. It leaked all over my ironing board earlier in the week and I can't figure out how or why. I used it a bit tonight and it seemed to be steaming okay and wasn't visibly leaking, but I am still perplexed and a little perturbed. So, rather than fight with it, I decided to run the auto clean on it (which spit out some brown gunk - that can't be good) and shut it down for the night.
This is a preemie quilt for a baby related to one of my Quilting in Indiana friends. She was born with several issues and will likely be in the hospital for a while. This little quilt can be used over her incubator if the family would like, and I have found that it is also a great lap quilt when the baby is in the backward facing car seat. I embroidered the baby's name on it, but you can't see it in the forest of all the animals. I love this fabric and wish I'd bought more than a fat quarter when I saw it.
I have also been working at times on a cross-stitch, the curvalishish quilt layout (it is on my design wall while I am deciding if I am satisfied with the placement of the blocks), and a wall hanging. This is the wall hanging (sorry, lighting in my sewing room was lousy tonight...I will get a better pic when it is done). It is about 12" x 21" and I am trying to decide if I should just sandwich and turn it and stitch in the ditch around the middle, or if I should do a little quilting on it and bind it (I have enough of the pink and the print for binding). Let me know what you think, and any ideas you have if you think I should quilt it!