September 2024 - The season of tennis

It doesn't seem like a month since I last shared my crafty endeavors with you, does it? I am happily writing today as the leaves just start to show their colors and the windows are open (for some of the day at least) and temperatures are cool in the evenings. This is my favorite time of year and I have been spending a lot of it stitching, finishing and sewing. Let's see what I got up to in between tennis matches in September. 

I started the month with a big finish, a project I've worked on (on and off) since 2016! I finished stitching the last piece, this cheery Santa. 

Santa from the Holiday Wishes kit

Santa is one of four pieces that was in a kit called Holiday Wishes by Janlynn. I picked it up from a mail order craft catalog many years ago and (silly me) thought I would stitch it for my cousin as a Christmas gift for that year. Needless to say, there were many, many more stitches than I anticipated! These four cuties are stitched on perforated plastic with DMC threads. I love the finished look, but don't plan to stitch on this type of plastic again. 

All four friends from Holiday Wishes

I don't know how I will fully finish them yet, but I sure am happy to have the stitching finished.

My next finish for the month was a piece I started while at Stitch-con in August. I purchased this pattern a few years ago and just love how cute this camping scene is. It's not the greatest picture, but I wanted to finish it while I was watching the men's final of the US Open - you can see on the screen that they are prepping for the award ceremony as I took it off the q-snap.

Starry Skies by Cherry Hill Stitchery
Stitched on 28 count Sapphire by Fiber on a Whim with
a mix of called for and subbed threads

Once the tennis match ended, I did some finishing of an ornament that I stitched a few months ago. This is My Friendly Gnome from the 2020 Just Crossstitch Ornaments issue - the pattern is by Ursula Michael Designs and it was a quick and fun stitch. It's ready to be gifted this holiday season. I made my own cording for this one and I am happy with the finish. 

My Friendly Gnome by Ursula Michael Designs
Stitched with called for DMC threads on a pink linen

Friday the 13th wound up being a pretty lucky day for me. I finished a stitched piece and an FFO! The stitch piece is Winterly Sampler by Robin Pickens. I stitched this as a shop model for my local shop and really loved working on it. Each motif stitched up pretty quickly so I saw good progress each time I picked it up. I plan to finish this one as it is finished on the pattern - in a white frame with red fabric behind it. 

Winterly Sampler by Robin Pickens 
Stitched on 28 ct. Antique White Lugana with called for DMC threads

My FFO the same night is one that has been at the top of my "to be finished" basket for a long time - I've known how I wanted to finish it, but just hadn't taken the time to do it. Friday the 13th was the perfect day. I cut the fabric (it is the cross-stitch fabric on the back too), sewed it together, added a little fiberfill and fringed the edges. I debated whether to make this one an ornament or leave it a pillow and decided on the pillow for now. I could easily add a ribbon later if I decide I want to hang it on the tree. This is one of my older unfinished pieces - I stitched this way back in 2018. It really only took me about an hour to finish - I am very glad to have it done well ahead of this holiday season. 
Simply Christmas by Something in Common
Stitched with called for thread and beads on mystery linen

The next day (Saturday the 14th) I was able to finish up this project. I have been working away on this one a little at a time - I purchased the wooden board from Michael's and painted it white. Originally, I was going to center the stitched design, but decided I liked it better with a bow above. The stitching is attached with magnets and the bow with velcro so I can change these out seasonally if I stitch other pieces that will work on this board.  
Charmed Dash Away All by Hinzeit
Stitched on 28 ct. Linen (maybe antique white?) with called for threads

My next project was different than what I normally work on - the high school theater teacher asked if I could help put together a few costumes for the fall musical (Sponge Bob) and I was happy to help. I wound up making 5 of these robes with the sparkly inserts - the robes were for munchkins in The Wiz last year, so a few changes makes them perfect for Sponge Bob costumes. My son agreed to model the finished costume. 

In addition to all the stitching and sewing, I loaded another quilt on my frame and started quilting it at the end of the month. My plan is to finish the quilting before my retreat in mid-October so that I can bind it there and put it out for show and tell. 

In addition to all these activities, the month of September was full of tennis - I really enjoyed watching my son play match after match, sometimes in hot weather and sometimes in cool weather. He has improved so much over his seven years playing and I made sure to make his games during his senior year my priority. 
Posing with his banner on Senior night

With that, we're up to the monthly tracking/reports. 

Stitching time with Kate at Life in Pieces: 25/30 days with at least 15 minutes of crafting = 83%

Stash Report with Donna at quiltpaintcreate
Fabric added this month: 4 1/4 yards (you can see the red and white behind my FFOs above)
Fabric used this month: 0 yards
Fabric added year to date: 12 5/8 yards
Fabric used year to date: 17 years
Net fabric used: 4 3/8 yards

Project completion tracking: 
Stitching projects: 3 finished, 3 FFOed = 43 waiting to be FFO'ed
Quilting projects: no change = 9 quilts waiting to be finished

Thanks for stopping by - hope you are enjoying some cooler weather of fall and have plenty to keep you busy! 
