Back in the Saddle Again

Wow - it has been a long time since I have blogged or sewn. Starting on Thanksgiving, I have spent the past two weeks either sick, nursing a sick child, or studying for my SPHR (Human Resources) certification exam. All are now healthy, despite a nasty flu bug, and the exam was Thursday. After hitting the submit button, the screen went blank for what seemed like an hour (was probably only a minute), then a survey came up, so I completed that, and then my report came up and I passed. Wonderful news (especially since the company doesn't reimburse you for the exam unless you pass!) and this will be good for my resume in the future. I also gained an incredible amount of HR knowledge in the process, which should set me up well as I look for a new position later this year (still at Lilly, just in another part of HR).

So, last night I headed back to my sewing room for the first time in December! I decided to work on completing quilting on my Do You See What I See quilt. I had to resolve some tension issues, but once that was taken care of, I quilted until I ran out of bobbin thread...and here's the result. I decided that I really like quilting on my new HQ16, so from here on out, my Janome will likely not be used for much quilting, except straight lines and stitch in the ditch!

I hope to get back in there later today (after my massage, which is my little personal reward for passing my exam), and hope to finish the quilting by the end of the weekend so that I can get it bound and ready to hang. I am very excited to have another quilt for me to hang at home!
